Monday, February 9, 2009

Our First Tooth Loss

Sunday was a big day for Trayjan, he is 6 1/2 and we were beginning to think he would have his baby teeth until he was a teen. LOL! Actually his pediatric dentist said he would lose his teeth later since they came in so late as a baby. Anyway, he was so excited when he woke up Sunday morning and had a very loose tooth, he played with it most of the day and by evening time, it was ready to come out. He decided that we would make a new holiday in our home. February 8th is offically the Holiday of Trayjan's 1st Tooth Loss. We are to celebrate the day each year (he is so darn funny)! Since he has such beautiful teeth and no cavaties, the Tooth Fairy gave him $10.00 for his tooth, and of course it was burning a hole in his tiny pocket, so he had to spend it. That boy has his mommy's blood, just can't hold onto money very long.


Sherry said...

This picture of Trayjan is so cute. Now we need to see a picture of his tounge stuck through the hole where his tooth was! So what did he buy eith his money? Happy loosing your first tooth day Tray!

Eddie Storms said...

Wow! 10 bucks isn't bad! However, he should learn how to save even that little amount of money while he's young. He should have saved it, since it's a remembrance from his tooth fairy. And oh, the "Trayjan's 1st Tooth Loss Holiday" is really cool. Maybe there are other families out there who do that.

--Eddie Storms