Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wii fun with Grandpa & Grandma

Last night I was able to attend a Digital Scrapbooking demo with my best friend Rhonda, and my parents came down to stay with Trayj & Jie. They had a wonderful time as Trayjan played Wii with Grandpa as Jie and Grandma cheered him on. Poor Grandpa didn't have anyone cheering for him. I guess they picked the right competitor as Trayjan knocked Grandpa out while playing boxing. I thought they were both going to send their remotes through the TV. We were laughing so hard at how they were completely into it. It was priceless! Trayjan was having a wonderful time. Jie was able to play as well, she knocked Trayj down a couple times, but he did end up getting her with a KO as well.

1 comment:

Janet and Kevin said...

Looks like fun! Happy 4th to you all. Can you believe our little ones have been home a year now!!

The Bourkes