Thursday, January 29, 2009

We're Just Having Way To Much Fun!

On Sunday we took the kids and a friend of Trayjan's to the Children's Museum. It was alot of fun, as it always is. The kids wore me out as we would race up and down the ramps at the Museum. I raced with the boys all the way down, then up again, until the last ramp. I let Travis race them as I took Jie. The boys had a blast seeing the Dinosaurs, Comic Book Heros, Glass Art, and the play areas. Jie loved just about everything. I think her favorite was digging for Dinosaur bones. She loved her Aquamarine Goggles.

On Thursday as Travis was at meetings, I took Trayj & Jie to my MOPS group playdate. It was at a great place we used to take Trayj to often when he was little. It's called Recreation Unlimited. We used to buy Thomas the Trains there, but after Trayj got out of Thomas we stopped going, although now we find out they have Webkinz, so I'm sure we'll be visiting more often. The place is AWESOME because they have indoor play areas set up (which are the best quality we have ever seen), plus they have an indoor trampoline and indoor basketball goals, along with Train tables, which Jie loves. We met many people there, but Trayjan was convinced to go knowing his girlfriend Larissa would be there and her little brother Evan, whom Jie loves to play with. The kids love all the slides, playgyms and swings. It is so much fun to go and it's WARM....that is so important to mommy! We also got to have lunch before Trayj went to school with our friends. What a wonderful Morning!!

1 comment:

Janet and Kevin said...

We had a blast with you all! What fun to catch up and act silly!

Love you guys - The Bourkes